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Lara-Villegas, H. H., Ixtepan-Turrent, L. Borkow, G., Lapidot, A. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2004. “Protection from cell free and cell associated HIV-1 infection following a short pretreatment of the cervix with Uc781”   “2nd Panamerican Symposium on Neurovirology and AIDS” Fac. de Medicina, UANL. Y Panamerican Society for Nerurovirology. mayo 5-7.


Lara-Villegas, H. H., Ixtepan-Turrent, L., Borkow, G., Lapidot, A. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2004. “Neomycin B – Arginine conjugate, a novel HIV-1 tat antagonist: synthesis and anti-HIV activities”  “2nd Panamerican Symposium on Neurovirology and AIDS” Fac. de Medicina, UANL. Y Panamerican Society for Nerurovirology. Mayo 5-7.


Weber, R. J., Hidrichs, M., Caballero-Hernández, D., Kenner-C., R., Zhang, X., Rodríguez-Padilla, C., Tamez-Guerra, R. & Gómez-Flores, R. 2004. Immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties of a novel delta opioid receptor – selective agonist. 10th Conference Neuroinmmune Circuits and Infectious Disease. Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology SNIP. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Marzo 24-28.


Ayala-de-la-Cruz, M. C., Zapata-de-la-Garza, E., Zavala-Pompa, A., Sony-Duque, D., Cuevas-Castaño, C., Gallegos-Ávila, G., Tamez-Guerra, R., Franco-Molina, M. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C.  2003. Inmunodeficiencia común variable Propuesta Terapéutica.  Biotecnología Habana 2003. Noviembre 28.


Ayala-de-la-Cruz, M. C., Arriaga-Flores, H., Amaya-Guerra, M., Tamez-Guerra, R., Franco-Molina, M., Rodríguez-Padilla, C.  2003. Síndrome de Hiper IgE  alternativa Terapéutica. Biotecnología Habana 2003. Noviembre 28.


Ramírez-Pfeiffer, C., Snydelaar-Hardwicke, A. C., Acosta-Martínez, F., Vázquez-Villanueva, J., Luna-Martínez, E., Nielsen, K., & Gómez-Flores, R. 2003. Evaluación preliminar de la prueba de Elisa Competitiva y la prueba de Fluorescencia Polarizada para el Diagnóstico de Brucelosis caprina en cabras del Noreste de México. 2º Simposio Internacional de Brucelosis, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México.  Noviembre 13-14.


Llanes-Fernández, L., Arango, M. C., Alcocer-González, J. M., Madrid-Marina, V. Franco, S., Camacho, R., González, A., Tamez, M. R. & Rodríguez. C.  2003. Expresión de citocinas y moléculas con la activación de células T en pacientes con cáncer de mama.  9o. Congreso Cubano de Oncología, 2da. Conferencia Internacional  de Física Médica y el Simposio Iberoamericano de Retinoblastoma.  Octubre 29-31.


Rivera-Morales, L. G., Novitsky, V. A., Luna-Cruz, I. E., Ramos-Alfano, G. Ramos-Jimenez, J. Lopez-Guillen, P. Essex, M. Tamez-Guerra, R. & Rodriguez-Padilla, C. 2003. Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in Mexico; New subtype found in Mexico. 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment. Julio13-16.


Alcocer-González, J. M., Lazcano, S., Rubalcaba, A., Rodríguez-Padilla, C., Bermúdez, V. H., Peralta, O., Tamez-Guerra, R., Madrid-Marina, V. 2003. Trans-vaginal administration of pCEAE/Mutant and pCDNAIL-12 Induce Anti.tumoral response against HPV-16 Transformed Cells. Symposium Handbook, Robinson College University of Cambridge. Julio10-13.


Gomez-Flores, R., Caballero-Hernández, D., Rice, R. C., Zhang, X., Rodriguez-Padilla, C., Tamez-Guerra, P., Tamez-Guerra, R. & Weber, R. J. 2003. Increased survival and decreased tumor size in tumor-bearing mice treated with SNC-80. Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Junio 13-22.


Gómez-Flores, R., Tamez-Guerra, P. Caballero-Hernandez, D. Rodríguez-Padilla, C., Rice,  k., Weber, R. & Zhang, X. 2003. Increased Survival and Decreased Tumor Size in Tumor – Bearing Mice Treated with SNC 80. 2003 NIDA International Forum Building Internatinal Research: Emerging Trends and Patterns in Drug Abuse Around the World. Junio 13-19.


Contreras, J. F., Fernández-Salas, I., González-Rojas, J. I., Blitvich, B. J., Farfan, J. A. & Beaty, B. J. 2003. Serological surtey of West Nile virus in birds and horses in Northeast Mexico. 103rd General Meeting American Society for Microbiology. Washington D.C.  Mayo 18-22.


Contreras, J. F., Hernández, C. E., Pereyra, B., Rodríguez, C. & Tamez, R. 2003. Molecular Epidemiology of Rotavirus: Polymorphism of Pathogenic Strains in Monterrey, N.L. S. 103rd General Meeting American Society for Microbiology. Washington D.C.  Mayo 18-22.


García, S., Heredia, H., Escobar, M. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2003. Efficacy of extracts of Medicinal Plantas against Growth, Verotoxins Production and adhesion of Echerichia coli 0157:H7. 103rd General Meeting American Society for Microbiology. Washington D.C. Mayo 18-22.


Tamez-Guerra, P., Rodríguez-Padilla, C. & Galán-Wong, L. J. 2003. Solar Radiation (UV) Protectans for Microbial Insecticides. 225th ACS National Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Marzo 23-27.


Llanes, L., Arango, M. C., Alcocer, J. M. Rodríguez, V., Franco, S., Camacho, R., González, A., Díaz, R., Tamez-Guerra, R. &  Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2003. Intratumoral and regional lymph nodes expression of cytokines and T-cell activa n proteins in breast cancer patients.  14th International Congress on anti cancer treatment, Paris, Francia. Febrero 1-4.


Santiago-Mena, M. R., Shirai-Matsumoto, C. K., Reséndez, D., Barrera, H. & Larralde-Corona, C. P. 2002. Microscopical Screening of Antagonistic Trichoderma Strains Against Macrophomina phaseolina. VIII IFBC. Guanajuato, Gto. México. Diciembre, 1-5.


5º. International Deer Biology Congress. Programme Scientifique et résumés Scientific program and abstracts. 25-30 de August del 2002.


Tamez- Guerra, P., Quintanilla, M., Rodríguez-Padilla, C., Galán-Wong, L. J. Tamez-Guerra, R., Gómez-Flores, R., Damas, G., & Zamudio, V. 2002. MC15 Susceptibility of 8 Types of Corn Grown in Northesast Mexico to Armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hubner), and the Potency of Bt-based Products (Xen Tri and Lepinox). 35th Annual Meeting of the SIP, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, Agosto 18-23.


Sarralde- Corona. C.P., Santiago-Mena, M. R., Jacques-Hernández, C. Resendez-Pérez, D. & Barrera-Saldaña, H. A. 2002. Assessment of air-borne fungi present in a biomedical plastics factory. The 7th International Mycrological Congress. Agosto 11-17.

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