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Pérez-González, O., Gómez-Flores, R. & Tamez-Guerra, P. 2020. Producción masiva de Hirsutella citriformis Speare como alternativa para el control del psílido asiático de los cítricos (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) y selección de cepas mediante bioensayos de campo. Congreso Internacionald e Investigaión Academia  journals. Chetumal, Quintana Roo. Mayo 27 al 29.

Espinosa-Aceves, L. J. J., Rivera-Morales, L. G., Vazquez-Guillen, J. M. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2019. Procesos realizados para la validación y verificación de la puesta en marcha de un laboratorio de Bioseguridad 3. XI Simposio Internacional de Bioseguridad y Custodia. Septiembre 7.

González-Cantú, Y. M., Quintanilla-Garza, S., Mejía Bañuelos, R., Sandoval-Borrego, S. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2017. Immunepotent CRP as adjuvant in the treatment of primary hepatic Leiomyosarcoma. The New ICACT. Paris Francia. 21-23 March.

González-Cantú, Y., Rodríguez-Padilla, C., Quintanilla-Garza, S., Mejía-Bañuelos, R.  & Ayala-de-la-Cruz, C. 2016. Immunepotent CRP as adjuvant in the treatment of bilateral rettinoblastoma. Case report. 25 th International Congress on Anticancer treatment. ICACT. de febrero, 2 al 4.

González-Cantú, Y., Quintanilla-Garza, S., Rodríguez-Padilla, C., García-de-la-Fuente, A. & Díaz-Mendoza, R. 2016. Immunepotent CRP as adjuvant in the treatment of lung carcinoma non small cell, Case report. 25 th International Congress on Anticancer treatment. ICACT. Febrero, 2 al 4.

González-Cantu, Y., Sandoval-Borrego, S., Mejia-Bañuelos, R., Rodríguez-Padilla, M. & Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2015. Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma During pregnancy. Case Report. 26th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment. Paris France. February, 3-5.

Tamez-Guerra P., M. Martínez-Valenzuela, J. A. Valadez-Lira, R. Gomez-Flores, P. Pietrantonio, and C. Rodríguez-Padilla. 2014. Analysis of the immune response in wild Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations and their host relationship. Simposio. Monitoring Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis and New Approaches to Control Targeted Insects. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10.

Reyna-Martínez R., D. E. Caballero-Hernández, U. Lopez, R. Gomez-Flores, P. Tamez-Guerra.  2014. Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. microalgae cytotoxic activity against L5178Y-R murine lymphoma cells. Biotechnology Summit 2014. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10.

Ocampo-Hernández J. A., Tamayo-Mejía F, Hernández-Fernández C.N., Gómez-Flores R., Valadez-Lira J.A., Martínez-Castillo A. M., and Tamez-Guerra P. 2014. Native Trichoderma spp. isolates to control Sclerotium cepivorum Berk in garlic (Allium sativum L.) in the central region of México. Biotechnology Summit 2014. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10.

Valadez-Lira J. A., Hernández-Ruiz E. D., López Torres M. O., Orozco-Flores A., Garza-González R., Ibarra-Alemán F., Tamayo-Mejía F., Rodríguez-Padilla C., and Tamez Guerra P. 2014. Distribution analysis of the large rDNA subunit group I intron in Beauveria bassiana. Biotechnology Summit 2014. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10

López-Torres M. O., G. Damas-Buenrostro, J. A. Valadez-Lira, J. E. Castejón-Antonio, R. Gomez-Flores, and P. Tamez-Guerra. 2014. Enhancement of Beauveria bassiana virulence genes expression in selected culture media. Biotechnology Summit 2014. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10.

Navarro-Soto M. C., R Gomez-Flores, A. Morales-Loredo, C. Ramírez-Pfeiffer, P. Tamez-Guerra, and G. Álvarez-Ojeda. 2014. Effective use of recombinantBrucella ovis Omp31 antigen to detect cattle serum antibodies by the ELISA indirect test. Biotechnology Summit 2014. Huatulco Oax. Oct 8-10, 

González-Cantu, Y., Larios-Cardenas, K., Serna Reyna, S., Sanchez-Maldonado, H., Lumbreras Ibarra, S., Garza-Garza, R. & Rodriguez-Padilla, C. 2014. Leimyosarcoma of vascular origin. Anatomoclinical study. 25th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment. Paris France. February, 4-6.

González-Cantu, Y., Tena-Suck, M., Alarcón, A. &Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2014. In situ ductal Carcinoma Originated from Breast Fibroadenoma: Anatomoclinical study of two cases. 25th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment. Paris France. February, 4-6.

Rodríguez-Padilla, C. 2014. Immunomodulator BDLE as adjuvant in the treatment of fibrillary astrocytoma. Case report. Paris France. 25th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment. Paris France. February, 4-6.

Valadez-Lira, J. A., Damas-Buenrostro, G., Alcocer-González, J. M., Nuñez-Mejia, G., Oppert, B., Gómez-Flores, R., Rodriguez-Padilla, C. & Tamez-Guerra, P. 2012. Immunity response by second - and fourth - instar larvae of four lepidopteran pests after Bacillus thuringiensis exposure. Biotechnology Summit 2012. Marzo 19-20, 2012. Mérida Yucatan, Mexico.

Gloria-Garza, M. A., de-la-Garza-Ramos, M. A., Tamez-Guerra, P. & Gómez-Flores, R. 2012. Antimicrobial effect of a methanol extract of a plant of the Rutaceae family against Streptococcus mutans. SUMMIT-2012 International Foundation for Biotechnology Research. Mérida, Yuc. MX. March 18-21.

Valadez-Lira, J. A., Damas-Buenrostro, G., Alcocer-González, J. M., Núñez-Mejía, G., Oppert, B., Gomez-Flores, R., Rodríguez-Padilla, C. & Tamez-Guerra, P. 2012. Immunity response by second- and fourth-instar larvae of four lepidopteran pests after Bacillus thuringiensis exposure. SUMMIT-2012 International Foundation for Biotechnology Research. Mérida, Yuc. MX. March 18-21

Núñez-Mejía G., Tamayo-Mejía F., Briseño-Estrada D. & Tamez-Guerra, P. 2012. Production of conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana in 3 substrates and their effectiveness in biocontrol of Phyllophaga polyphylla. SUMMIT-2012 International Foundation for Biotechnology Research. Mérida, Yuc. MX. March 18-21.

Martínez-Valenzuela, M., Damas, G., Iracheta-Cárdenas, M., Valadez-Lira, J. A., Jalomo-Ortiz, K. P., Pietrantonio, P., Blanco, C. A., Gómez-Flores, R. & Tamez-Guerra, P. 2012. Humoral Immune-response and enzymatic activity by Heliothis virescens after Bacillus thuringiensis exposure. SUMMIT-2012 International Foundation for Biotechnology Research. Mérida, Yuc. MX. March 18-21

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